Monday, April 18, 2005



Ok some people might think this has to do w/ the pope but no i went to something this weekend which is called conclave for Order of the Arrow. It went really well. I worked show staff. So i pretty much went straight to belzer to help set up the sound and lighting stuff for the concert that night. I ran the sound for the band that night which was pretty cool but it got down to like freezing temps so when i was adjusting sound levels my fingers would freeze and were def. purple when i got inside. We also had to take everything down that night because it would get destroyed if not. So then i chilled in the show office (voyager hut) for awhile. talked w/ craig wildey for a while. then when talked to Ryan about some things. Then climbed into my car for some sleep about 2 am. Woke up at 6 that morning and had breakfest than i ran around with Jon Sowers and craig all morning playing around w/ the camera until we had to set-up. Definetly some hilarous video footage from the morning that i can't talk about in this but i can tell you if you ask it's nothing bad for all of you perverts out there. Then we went down to the campfire ring to begin set-up and well i had the great idea of not wearing a shirt because we got black ones for staff and they were toasty with it already 90 at the campfire ring. so i got extreme sun burn it is horrible. I ended up running Two massive sound boards and all the tap decks and stuff by myself Sat. night for the show it was awesome. I had so much fun. then we had tear down and then there was a large LAN party in the shows office. I finally went to bed about 2 again woke up at 6 and just cleaned up camp. Got home about 2:30 and worked on some stuff then i talked to the guy who is going to be my advisor for the Lodge website. I am going to be webmaster for the Lodge and for Firecrafter now. Woo hoo that is going be fun. Well today def. sucked i had major sunburn almost no sleep had to work and had a major head ache all day. So i am going to bed. Mabye i will start to update this more often again who know's. Later dudes and dudettes.

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