Saturday, April 15, 2006
Most Amazing Spring Break of my life!!!
So it's been like two months almost i haven't even thought about this until we started one up for the group that went to New Orleans. I guess nothing huge has really happened atleast not that i can remember. Over Spring Break I went down to New Orleans this was def one of those trips were it's like uhm i saw all of this horific stuff but can even descirbe it it's so bad. We left on Sat morning and 3 of us flew while the rest of the group took a van. The three of us got there and waited for a shuttle that ended up taking us to the wrong camp and so we ended up being put to work as soon as we got there. Then finaly got to this amazingly nice rediculously large tent camp in the middle of a parking lot in Central Park. Sunday was interesting in the morning our group took a trip to the ninth ward which was were the levy broke and it was just absolutely devastated. It is the hardest place to even try to describe because the damage was so bad. Houses were on top of eachother, on top cars, moved off there foundations, they are even still finding dead bodies in the area. Then that afternoon our group (me, Dani, Alyssa, Morgan, Jeremy, Jazz, Jon, Julie, Steve, Spencer and Shelby) went back to the camp we were dropped at the first day and we finished cleaning it up and packing everything away. I am so gladd that wasn't the place we were staying it made the place we stayed at a 5 star hotel. Then Monday are group got split up me and 3 or 4 other people went to this ladies mom's best friends (talk about family ties) home to gut it. It was orginaly going to take 2 to 3 hours but when we got there it was 10 times worse then we thought and we really needed our whole group to do it but instead we ended up working all day on it and finished it and got to know this lady that lives there her name is coni she and her husband actually made us crawfish Tues night for dinner for the entire SV group they are so amazing. Then on Tues our whole group went to Gut our first group house 2nd for me. It was about 3 times worse then the first house we couldn't even walk in the front door cause every room was pilled floor to ceiling with stuff. I got to take out freezer with jon and steve that thing sucked not going to lie it was by fair worse then all three of the fridges we took out in the other house. Once we got it out to the street pretty much got it down and then ran away from it and almost pucked cause the stinch was so bad. Uhm then that night went to dinner. Oh yea almost forgot each night there is 24/7 security guards according to the sheets they didn't mention that it was the guys that did the security so each night me and a couple other guys and some girls stayed up till 3 or 6 in the morning watching the grounds and keeping the drugies and drunk people out of the camp. Then after dinner that night we through a party for Luke who turned 9 and another girl that was there and let me tell you that was the last place i planned on DJ'ing a party. Wed. we went back to the same house to take out all the walls and finish it that mornign then in the afternoon me, dani, morgan, alyssa, and marc went to play with some inner city type children and bring food and juice to them. That was the my favorite part of the whole trip just being able to see the kids eyes totaly light up because they had some that they could play with that wouldn't threaten them or beat them up. I swear some of the parents in that area i just wanted to smack it was so bad. Then that night i really awesome talk with dani and Sharky (the camp manger). Thurs. our group was back at the camp and we worked there all day serving food and doing stuff to make sure the camp was working cause they have a store and stuff and then also serve hot meals to all the homeless people that are living in New Orleans right now. Then that night our entire SV group went out to dinner and then took a walk around the boardwalk. We all then went to the peir and heard someones story about how they survived it was really cool. Then that night we got back and me and dani had another amazing talk with sharkey and it was really cool forming a really awesome bond with the two of them Sharkey is one of those people that you meet and just hits you in the way to were you will remember him for a very very long time. I am actually workin on flying him up to indy so that he can share is story with people because it affected so many people. Then friday we all came home it was so hard to leave i felt tears starting to come on just because i felt like i shouldn't be leaving because there is so much still left to do. Got home and this week just seemed to drag on so fricken slow. I did get paid though and got 101$ back from the goverenment. Well i think this has been one of my longest post but i'm glad i finaly got it all out. I can't wait to go back down anyone up for a fall break trip or something. Hope everyone is doing well. Drop an e-mail or something sometime and let me know how yall are doing. Dani just FYI we are so going to paint your face too don't think you got out of it. Peace Love and Happy Easter everyone. Stay Safe!
Tyler Smart
Tyler Smart