Sunday, August 22, 2004


Past Couple of days

Hello all, how is everyone? My life is going crazy right now i am so busy which is nice because i don't like not haveing anything to do because i get bored. I made through my first week. My teachers are pretty cool. Blue days are ok, Gold Days feel like they are never going to end. For those of you who don't know we have 8 classes that we take and they are split up over a 2 day period. So one day we will have periods 1-4 (blue) and then we will have 4-8 (gold). Each class is 90 minutes long which feels a lot longer some days.

This weekend was ritual it ran pretty well. I rode down friday after school with Dillon which was fun i haven't talked to him since mid-summer. We had a total of 227 canidates complete there ritual and the UNKOWN TEST. I do have to say friday night absolutley sucked balls nothing would light for me at all when i went around to try and help canidates out. It started to get me a little irritated. So I walked up to the dinning hall about 1:30 and talked to Bill Thomas. Then i went over to Josh moffet's house (cabin behind the dinning hall) because that was were i was sleeping for the weekend. We shared some stories about are summer and i just got to say K-Staff is so much different than Ransburg Staff. Oh and just to clarify Ransburg is the best no doubt about it. So I finnaly got to bed at like 2:00 or somewhere around there. Saturday ran real well i was up at 6:00 and out of the cabin at 6:30. Everything ran quickly and smoothly which is good. I think that the canidates had way to much free time in the afternoon though but that is just me. Oh yeah i forgot to mention the first medical emergency in like 4 years i think. A kid got to much smoke in him and had to be taken to the hospital that was fun. Anyway back to saturday Roy Byer got crowned for Minisino which i am glad he and Sally do so much for firecrafter that some people don't realize It is amazing. After we got everything cleaned up from the hill Me and a bunch of Ransburg Staffers went to Steak-N-Shake it was so good. even at 3am a lime freeze tastse's good. So i finnaly got to bed at 4 or 4:30 am which wasn't horrible i just had to get up at 7am which sucked but hey it was worth it. It was a really fun weekend i got to see everyone again and i got to see Daniel Butler (the real Daniel Butler not the other one from camp) before he left which was nice. This weekend was a lot of fun i can't believe i take so much crap about D.D. sometimes though but I really don't care. I am looking for a ride for next weekend if anyone can give me one just drop an email or something. Well DD just called so i will cya later.


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