Friday, September 10, 2004
One Crazy week
Where to begin. all I can say is that this has been one long week. even for being only a 4 day week. This past weekend I participated in the State preview meet. It was a horrible race for me i ran the worst i have ever run in my life. Da chief and Pinkus stopped by to watch after getting lost trying to find the park. It was nice to see them. Then sunday was a day of cleaning the house what joy comes with that. Monday night we had the football draft so like 4 other families were here for dinner. Tuesday was the next fun day of shool it feels like the end of the year for some reason though. Wed. night was a very dissapointing night for me. Before this summer had started i had spent countless hours in my troops garage getting all of the gear and equipment accounted for and i come back from the summer and everythingk is trashed and a ton of our gear is missing. It really pisses me off that our troop will treat our gear in that way and that they will distroy all the hard work and time me and a few other people spent on getting it cleaned up. Then thurs. was crazy we had a freshman cross-country meet at north central. It was a 4k race for those of you who don't know that is about 2 1/2 miles or roughly around that. It felt like i was going so slow that race it is weird comming off of a 5k habit and running a 4k. Then i got home about 6:30 and it is time to leave for roundtable and so i didn't get time to eat dinner it sucked. Roundtable went ok we got all of encampment stuff done and almost out of the way. Then today after practice coach kept the freshman late to clean up the trail it wasn't to bad. I wish some carmel kids would grow up and mature a little bit. It's is not fun listening to people wine abbout how they might have posion ivy and have to leave right away we aren't completely done yet. oh well what can you do. Then i went to Fazzoli's withe some friends to get loaded up on carbs before the race tomorrow. Tomorrow we have the Carmel Classic it is the only home meet and defintaly one of the best courses. So if you are in town Be there the Races start at 9:30. Well i am out talk to you all later.