Wednesday, February 16, 2005


News from the Golden Ghetto

Sup all, ok well i gues a lot has happend in the past few weeks. We had like 2 cross-over cermonies this past weekend. The one on Sunday was at K so that was a nice decent drive. I think i pulled into the drive about 9:30. So then Monday night was bible study. I went over to Brians house and we had dinner. OOOO so good. Then we went over to Kara's house for a little worship service. So there were defeniatly about 60 people in her basement when there is only room for like 20 it was great. Than last night was my first night home in forever it was wonderful. I had fazoli's which is the greatest place to have spaghetti. once again OOOO so good. So then tonight i had to go have my picture taken with some people for the annual report that the council does it was pretty cool. I met a guy that we were having our picture taken with who is donating 1 millon dollars to scouting over a ten year period it was pretty cool. Than was off to venture meeting and troop meeting both very uneventful. So Monday if anyone is in town or in the area. Huge Ultimate Frisbee game at Carmel high school Soccer field it is going to be hot. I am out. Catch yall on the flip side. Later

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