Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Oh man I didn't forget about this thing

It has been what now 6 months i think almost since i have updated this idk it has been awhile and thats about all i know. I guess i can't remember where i left off the last time. Hope everyone is doing well. I guess i can talk about break. Got a nano ipod for christmas which i like but i really wanted a video because it would hold all of my songs oh well. Monday was pretty much just a chill day which was nice. Tues i went down to Bloomington and visited w/ Tom for awhile which was a lot of fun. Wanted Mother Bears for lunch but it was closed so went to Scoties instead which is really good. Then went back to his house and got a ton of songs and then just played x-box all day. It was a great day not going to lie. Came home and then went Ice Skating with Chang, Gab's, Grace, Chap, Liz, and Joest. It was a lot of fun. Then wed. i went and started the massive computer project at the Vickery's. I spent more time in a computer store than i have ever done in my life. We were there for 4 hours and spent $5,000 it was rediculous. We upgraded there computers from slowest to fastest though. Then Thurs. I spent the day gettin stuff started up and copying files onto the new desktop then went up to dinner with my grandma which was kinda weir cause it was the first time we had gone up there in like 4 years. Everything seemed so much different. Then on Friday i went back to the vickery's and got all the computers connected to the internet which not going to lie was a pain in the but and then Sat was a chill day cause of my dad's b-day. Had dinner w/ them and then went stopped at the V's fixed a printer went got allie then to Katherines house and then went Marsh went back to Kat's house hung w/ them for awhile then we went to Lindsay's then left and went back to the Carters. Then stopped by Kendals party and then went back to the Carters. Came home around 1 ish. Sunday hung out w/ kara for awhile before she went to florida and cause she was kinda upset i hadn't been over. Then on Monday ortho appointment and got told i get my braces off 9 months early i was so happy. Then on Tues went back to the vickery's and finished networking all the computers to eachother. Today was kinda laid back. Worked on computers most of the morning, went to the lifestyle christian store and got an awesome new sweatshirt then went Rock Climbing w/ joest and shocklee. I love this sport it is so relaxing and gets my mind off of all the stresses and feeling that are around me. Then went to SALT meeting and got some things squared away for the next few weeks. Tomorrow gost to work on eagle scout stuff i need to get my project started and finsihed or some people are going to beat me i think. Hope everyone is doing well. Cya at the staff banquet Sunday i hope. Have a great rest of break and god bless.

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