Friday, February 25, 2005


Umm Yeah it's been a busy week

Ok well i guess to start off never ever use Map quest to try and get to any of the council camps learned that the hard way. I was going up to Camp Redwing last weekend and well the directions i had told me to go about 10 miles away from where i was supposed to be and i got to drive around in the corn fields of muncie. After callin Ian McIver to try and figure out where i was and get to camp i get a call saying that the campout had been cancled i was hella pissed about that. So after spending about 3 hours driving around and wasteing a quarter of tank i came home. That night i had to go to my younger younger brother's (not the baby but the 2nd youngest) Cross-over because i had to be part of the OA team for that. Then I came home watched a movie called Executive decision it was actually really good. Went to be around 2am and then had to get up for church. After that i came home and chilled for awhile then headed up to K for a 4 minute Arrow of Light cermony and came home just in time to run to a meeting for my familys old pack because i am helping them with there pinewood derby. On my way over there however the engine light decided it wanted to come on and the car was vibrating. So instead of playing ultimate monday i got to spend the day at the Ford Delirship while they fixed my car and the only thing wrong was that a piston was mis-firing but it needed a oil change and all that stuff anyway so i went ahead and had that done. The nice thing is it came out to be only about 200$. Well i guess this week has been one of those weeks. Nothing Tuesday night which was nice but a long day at school. Wed. troop meetting and venture meeting. Thurs. i had to go up to tipton and i had waited till about 10:00 last night to start my 2 papers due today. Mabye i will learn eventually that procrasting is a bad thing. Then again probably not. So tonight we had our last cross-over it was ok our chief wasn't there so i had to pull some people and had to grab one kid that had never done one before cause i was kinda backed into a corner so it sucked, but the ceremony was good and we pulled it off. PHEW!!. well i am out later dudes and dudets.

Question: Which president was also a professional boxer and lawyer along with a variety of other jobs

Song of the week: Every little bit by Hawk Nelson

Quote of the week: "you want the answer?" "I want the truth" "you can't handle the truth" A Few Good Men


Wednesday, February 16, 2005


News from the Golden Ghetto

Sup all, ok well i gues a lot has happend in the past few weeks. We had like 2 cross-over cermonies this past weekend. The one on Sunday was at K so that was a nice decent drive. I think i pulled into the drive about 9:30. So then Monday night was bible study. I went over to Brians house and we had dinner. OOOO so good. Then we went over to Kara's house for a little worship service. So there were defeniatly about 60 people in her basement when there is only room for like 20 it was great. Than last night was my first night home in forever it was wonderful. I had fazoli's which is the greatest place to have spaghetti. once again OOOO so good. So then tonight i had to go have my picture taken with some people for the annual report that the council does it was pretty cool. I met a guy that we were having our picture taken with who is donating 1 millon dollars to scouting over a ten year period it was pretty cool. Than was off to venture meeting and troop meeting both very uneventful. So Monday if anyone is in town or in the area. Huge Ultimate Frisbee game at Carmel high school Soccer field it is going to be hot. I am out. Catch yall on the flip side. Later

Monday, February 07, 2005


Computer is Fixed, and the Damn Pats won the Superbowl!

Hello again, So my computer has be stupid lately and not letting me onto the web. Which was weird that i could get email and talk to people but no internet access. So life has been crazy and i finally decided to sit down and fix the problem this weekend. After spending three hours trying different things I finnaly discovered the only problem was that the firmware on our router needed to be updated. I was pissed that i had just wasted all that time for nothing. So after that i worked on the spring camporee that our venture is putting on down at RSR it is going to be hot. Best Camporee Delmi has ever seen. Than I had to go do a cross-over cermony becuase it is time for those to begin. Which those are always fun. Good jokes are made. So than Superbowl Sunday came and went. Pat's won again big suprise. I was rotting for Eagles even though they sucked at time mangement. So big suprise they lost. The halftime show was pretty good this year. They should do it that way more often. I hopefuly will be starting to get back into the running thing this week i can't do track though becasue the parentals are making me get a decently paying job. So that sucks because i wanted to do track. Well i am out talk to you all later. Hopefully all is going well.

What is the oldest vegitable?

Quote of the day: "Pain is only temporary, Glory lasts forever" The replacements

Song of the Week: "Almost" by bowling for soup.

Later Everyone


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